Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weird Humor

Disclaimer--None if this is meant to reflect on India or the people here, it is just a peek into the strange way my mind works...

It wasn't long after we moved here that I figured out that they used Granite for the fence posts. I had to really think about that for a while. Several questions came to mind. Aren't they awful heavy to put in? How do they transport them without breaking them. How do they cut them? Isn't there a lot of waste?
2008-03-01 Nandi Hills 045

Well when Giselle and I were staying near Pondicherry, we saw a rock garden. I guess they were trying to grow new fence posts. Most of them weren't that tall, and I kept wanting to go ask the gardeners how long it takes for them to reach maturity, and what they do to keep them from growing once they transplant them into the fenceline? Do they have a root system that needs to be removed? Couldn't they just plant them where they want the fence to be, or does it take too long to grow them?

200808 Rock Garden @ Dunes Resort 126

Near the airport in Chennai, I spotted this bus. Now most of the airlines fly Airbus planes (320's and the like). I really had to wonder. Did some airline think they could fool the public into thinking they were just flying low, and drive the passengers to the next city? Or did Airbus really pull a fast one on some airline, but leave the wings off when they delivered it?

200808 Air Bus 128

Then we were walking down the beach near Pondicherry, and I started seeing these. My first thought was, gee-what a lot of lost soles—call the local priest.

lost soles Then I started to think about how many of them there were in a short stretch of beach, not more than a kilometer and it was kind of frightening how much stuff washes up on the beach from the sea. The beaches are becoming a sort of dumping ground for the ocean, and here no-one cleans it up.

When we went to Hampi earlier in the summer. I remember going into one of the major complexes through the gate. I was kind of odd to notice where everyone touched the statues on the way into the complex. Surprised? Not me.200807 Hampi 098

I noticed this sign in Pondicherry. Now I know where we can by new postmen when we run out in the US, of course import duty might be an issue. And is it just a misspelling, or are they really trying sell clever postmen?Postmanclever?

Yes, a lot can happen over coffee, I wonder what they put in the coffee, if this is truely such a big problem in the Bangalore International Airport.

A lot can happen over coffee

I guess that is about all for now. It has been a pretty slow week. We went to the Devilles to watch the AFL championships (that's Footy, or Austrialian Rules Football, for the uninitiated). Lots of fun, too much food!! Otherwise we went to dinner to see some friends off, going back home. And working...

1 comment:

Maya said...

Perhaps you should change the subtitle of your blog to:

Mostly my travels to various places in the world, but sometimes just what's going on in my weird brain...

I like the fence post gardens! And did you ever go in and ask what a cleverpostman IS? Inquiring minds want to know!