Sunday, October 7, 2012


Cindy and I had a weekend trip to Boracay, one of the places to vacation in the Philippines.  We really had no big preconceptions about the place, other than we heard that there are several "stations" along the beach--places where the boats used to come in.  Station one is quieter, station 3 can get pretty raucous during high season.  Fortunately we went during the off season and it was all pretty quiet.  We stayed at Fridays because we had gotten a weekend stay through a silent auction for charity.   It is one of the older resorts at Station 1.

We arrived Friday at Fridays, and it started to rain.  It rained off and on all day, sometimes very hard.  Also the wind was pretty strong--see the picture I took of Cindy at sunset.

The second day we just relaxed and enjoyed probably the best massage I've ever had at Mandala Spa.  In the afternoon and evening we wandered the "D Mall" and the beach again, had a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant, and rode the ferris wheel.



We also saw Fire Dancers a couple of times.

The last day it turned absolutely gorgeous. We definitely want to go back and do some of the more sporty activities, possibly sailing, kite surfing, or snorkeling. As it was we just enjoyed the down time.
