Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ganesh Chaturthi

Today is Ganesh Chaturthi. We had the day off. Cindy wasn't feeling well, so I went by a walk by myself. I walked from our house to Sankey Tank (see it on google maps) which has a dunking station for Ganesh. There wasn't much activity there, but on the way I got a couple of pictures of a vendor on New B.E.L road 20080903 Ganesha Chaturthi 004 who has Ganesh idols for people to use in their Poojas. She told me I could take pictures, if I would give her 2 copies.20080903 Ganesha Chaturthi 001 20080903 Ganesha Chaturthi 002 20080903 Ganesha Chaturthi 003 So now I owe her 2 photos. The walk was really nice. The roads were very quiet today. I think it was about 3 Kilometers each way, not too long, but long enough. It really felt good to get out and stretch my legs a bit.

So, it is sad that Giselle left last weekend to go back to the states, but she arrived ok and is now in Virginia--what a change after Germany for a year and then India. Now we await the arrival of Ari, coming to stay for 4 months till we go back for Christmas.

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