Monday, January 14, 2008

We're legal now

Not much to tell today. It was pretty un-eventful. Even the trip back to the FRO went smoothly. I got our Residence Permits, so I guess that makes it official, we can stay a while (well at least till 20 Dec when our visa's and permits run out.)

I also heard that our lease got signed, but I haven't seen proof yet.

Tomorrow is a harvest day celebration--no I don't know the name, I should--so everyone has the day off. Well mostly everyone. I'll be working from home because Finland doesn't understand Indian Holidays that well, but the driver will have the day off, and we don't know if the "house boy" will come or not. He was late today due to a cold, so I had to cook my own breakfast(gasp!!), Anna ate a slice of bread, and Cindy had breakfast at her lecture on Hindu Festivals. Funny thing is that now for 3 days in a row, someone has come by in the afternoon/evening for Babu, I guess he is supposed to pay the Cable bill, but he is only here in the mornings. And they collect in the evenings... We are supposed to tell him to pay the bill.

I am really enjoying the food, and people. The traffic doesn't bother me too much when the driver is ok. Weather has been pleasant, but definitely it is warming up already. I also got my Indian mobile number today, so next we need to get one for Cindy.

I am tired of sitting in front of the computer today though, so I'll sign off here.

1 comment:

Maya said...


So who is Babu and why does he pay your cable bill?

Glad you're legal! Not that there was much question you would be, I assume.

How is Anna's school going? And when do you move to your new house? And where do I find your work on Google Earth?

I really ought to be getting kids to school. More soon.
