Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rainy Lazy Day

I still have trouble adjusting to the fact that even though it is pouring outside, it can be warm. It is particularly hard when traveling in the car, or sitting at work in the air-conditioned cold air and watching it rain. But it's so, today it has decided to rain here in Bangalore (after several weeks of dry). The doors and windows are open, and it's a nice balmy warm day.

Yesterday evening we went to the OWC "Indian Night", where everyone is encouraged to dress in traditional Indian wear, and there is of course Indian food, drink, and entertainment. We went with Brad, Marion, Steve, Melissa, Rob and Jackie. We men had it fairly easy, but the women were all wearing Saris. In order to get dressed, they all met up about 2 hours ahead of time, and Jackie's maid (and her daughter) helped them all get dressed. They looked lovely. We had a good time, despite sitting too close to the stage and not being able to talk too much due to the loud Indian traditional music. I think I enjoyed it more than some, who were wanting it to stop...

So we slept in today, and did some puttering around the house while the clouds grew darker and darker. Ari wished at lunch time that it would rain, and about 1/2 hour later the large drops started falling. They were few and far between, but sounded like a very slow staccato on the roof. Then it started to pour just about the time I had my shopping list ready for getting my medications for the month. It got so loud, we could hardly hear each other talk. Fortunately it stopped pouring and turned to a drizzle. I didn't think it ever drizzled in India, but now I've seen it. All in all it has just become a lazy day, but minus the thought of curling up by a nice warm fireplace and listening to the rain and reading a good book. Sometimes I do miss the changes in weather.

Still it is nice to find a spot to curl up and listen to the pitter patter of the rain coming down and read a good book. I guess I better get mine and claim the easy chair upstairs.

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